Rear Swing Arm Shaft (36-20-42.5) Talaria Sting MX3 / MX4 / MX5 (1)

Talaria OEM Replacement part.
10,99 USD $
En Stock - Livraison Immédiate

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Cleaner Dirt-Care DirtWash Spray Bottle (1L)

DIRT WASH High Performance Cleaner is specifically designed to be applied to all surfaces and components of an off-road vehicle. This non-corrosive cleaner will remove the toughest soil residues while protecting your investment. Keep your vehicle sparkling with DIRT WASH from Dirt-Care.

Prix 13,99 USD $
En Stock - Livraison Immédiate

Référence: GS-013


Reinforced Rear Suspension Triangle Gritshift Talaria Sting

Suspension triangles are an element that hold big pressure during jumps and other off-road riding. The Factory part is made from relatively cheap aluminum material that may break into 2 different pieces after excessive load or on landing. GritShift offers a reinforced billet aluminum upgrade that can handle the gnarliest conditions.

Prix 99,99 USD $
En Stock - Livraison Immédiate
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